We understand that going to court can be a very stressful and emotional experience for those involved in family law proceedings whether concerning your children or financial issues.
Our specialist family lawyers have a particular awareness of this factor and are empathetic to the need to provide you with support at court as well as effective and robust representation to promote your interests and those of your children.
Do I have to see my ex-partner in Court?
Usually, yes because both parties will be in court at the same time. However, special measures can be taken if there has been domestic abuse, including arranging for separate waiting areas.
How early should I get to court before my Court hearing?
Sometimes the court will order you to be there an hour before a hearing and we would usually ask our clients to arrive at court at least 30 minutes prior to the hearing start time so that we can make sure that we are aware of any new information as well as to help calm and reassure clients who are nervous.
How many times will I have to go to Court?
This will depend upon your case and in some cases it can be more than once. If you can reach an agreement on your case on the first time at court, then your case can come to an end. However, if an agreement can’t be reached it is likely to be timetabled through to other hearings and a final hearing after that.
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Can I take a family member or a friend to Court with me for support?
You can take someone to court with you for support and they will be allowed to sit in the waiting area with you. They would not usually be able to go into the courtroom with you if you have a lawyer, but it would be up to an individual judge to make the decision on the day.
Who do I tell at court to let them know that I have arrived for my hearing?
When you arrive at court you will usually find a notice board listing all the cases. These are usually confidential and names are not used so you will need to know your case reference number. You can then sit in the waiting area where you will meet your lawyer.
Going to Court - Further information
Family proceedings are confidential so only the parties are usually allowed into court There is also at the present time very little court reporting, however the courts are trying to be more transparent by allowing more of this, including publishing of judgments.
This depends on the level of the judge. Magistrates and district judges are usually called Sir or Madam; Circuit judges are usually called Your Honour, and High Court judges My Lord or Lady. However if you are representing yourself the judges will understand that you do not know how to refer to different judges and will accept you referring to them in a polite form.
It is not a good idea to bring children to court, as court waiting areas tend to be very busy with a variety of different cases taking place. If you cannot make other arrangements for child care then you can bring them to court but depending on their age as a last resort and whether the case involves them or not, they may not be allowed into the courtroom with you. If Social Services are involved with your case then you should discuss this difficulty and seek their assistance.
There are no official requirements for non-lawyers attire at court but we would generally advise you to be dressed in a smart and business-like way. Very casual clothing like shorts, flip flops and clothing with rude slogans may be considered inappropriate.

Contact our family lawyers today
Our expert family lawyers have represented many clients in Court and always work towards achieving favourable outcomes. To understand how we can assist with your situation, please call today for a no-obligation consultation on 01256 630080.